Thursday 10 November 2011

In the beginning there was ... The Rick Roll!

My first internet related distraction (which is more of a forced distraction than intended) I found out about in college. Where other members of my classed decided it would be “proper awesome” to change my homepage on ‘ye olde’ Firefox to something which I did not realise was some sort of cultural phenomenon at the time. I talk of course of the age old “rick roll’d” which for those of you who have never come across it – it consisted of a website that would prevent you from closing the tab whilst playing the Rick Astley 80’s number  1 Never gonna give you up. In a futile attempt to close it you would end up having to click through the lyrics line by line. Unfortunately due to windows seven and new browsers such as Google Chrome you won’t be able to enjoy the full experience. But just imaging having your hands strapped down while someone force plays you the song against your will (Unless you’re an eighties child in which case you’ll probably love it and sit there thinking “Jokes on you because I flipping love this song”).


There have been several variations of the Rick Roll, my most favourite being the Barack roll. Which shows clips of Obama speaking during his electoral campaign, and has been to edited so that Barack is speaking all the words to Never gonna give you up while the song is played in the background. There’s also a nifty bit of dancing from Obama.


A more creepy version is the McRoll which is pretty unexplainable, from what ive gathered its a selection of Japanese mc donalds advert edited to a strange song. I would much prefer listening to Rick Astley than sitting through this Headache.


And finally a Roll which game and went a lot quicker than the previous 3; The Rolf roll. Which sticks to the same concept as the others but just plays a continous loop of the Anmimal Hospital theme song

No one wants to listen to that so here's some Animal hospital Dubstep.


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