Tuesday 13 December 2011

The offensive translation site

Ever wondered how Jim Henson came up with all the lines for this guy?:

Yes its the Swedish chef from the muppets. And I have found a website that will translate any text you type into the language of Swedish Chef. Now you may think the site (Which Can be found here) is offensive, but obviously the Muppets has been around longer than the internet and they were getting away with this racial stereotyping for ages:

The site i speak of is http://www.cs.utexas.edu/~jbc/home/chef.html which also feautures translations for jive, valley girl, pig Latin or a mixture of the three. Its a very simple very friendly interface. Definitely worth a few minutes off playing around on. Even if it is just to see how you name would be pronounced in Swedish.

And my final words, which are in the style of a Swedish Chef:
"I theenk thees vebseete-a is fery emooseeng"
(I think this website is very amusing)

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